Sunday, November 20, 2011


I questioned everything. Every thought, every idea, every word another spoke all found its way underneath my mental microscope. As I explored many different paths of vision I understood the world as a place in which many different people are waging war to get you to think on their side, through their lenses with their viewpoint. Not wanting to be swayed by any other humans spectrum of influence and not wanting to be stuck by the inherited errors of my environment I wished to find an anti-perspective, a perspective that sought only individuality; I saw and still do see every human as an individual unique limb of god.

Existentialism, dualism, schools of philosophy that extolled humans to EXAMINE what operating system they were running peaked my curiosity. "TRUTH" is much more than a 5 letter word and no one can tell you yours most of the time not even your self so it only seemed the logical route to listen to those who said to not believe in your own bullshit, question everyone's bullshit and carry on.

Gurdjieff: "I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself."

James Parkinson quoting Gurdjieff:"Life is real only then, when I am"

"I AM" is often meant to evoke the definitive new-ager aura of enlightenment. Others have said "I am", some said "I am that I am" but when James Parkinson quotes gurdjieff saying "I Am" and he has it photo shopped onto a digital scrap of parchment on his we take notice.

Why? Because he is claiming that HE IS! HE IS because he went to the trouble to tell you that life is true only then when HE IS. See it now? It's called thought projection or baiting or if that's too much for you: JAMES IS A POSEUR in every sense of the word. He poses for skillfully filtered and masked photos both digital and metaphorical. I know you've heard heard him talk about "images" so ask yourself, what sort of image has he created specifically for your individual consumption?

Its a very frustrating feeling to dissect his double messages because ambiguity covering for actual insolence is his specialty. Then you see that this is a system. Don't credit Jimmy with having invented controlling people. He learned from some of the richest most well connected individuals in the biz. Mind control is ageless. People have worked on controlling their own mind, handed the job over to a society or an individual but which one have you chosen?

Masquerading as a church formerly titled Solid Rock Vista James Parkinson tried to convince me and others that HE WAS! How? Ambiguity can buy you a whole damn lot of attention these days. A most powerful tool for politicians and New Religious Movements alike (what's the difference anyway?), is ambiguity. Let people believe but don't ask them to don't tell them to, allow them believe what they want to believe. If you control the environment, you control the situation.

The infamous cult Landmark Education (formerly EST) discovered that by constantly altering the temperature of the room in which hours long seminars were held it allowed them to alter the moods/emotions/perceptions of the attendees. That's only a parlour trick compared to his bag of methods.

Were you ever locked out of his (exclusive) meditation(dissociative napping) sessions?
When you cried for being locked out of meditation with the all powerful Jimmy did he explain that it was only an opportunity for you to learn that you were being gifted by his presence?

See it was an exclusive GIFT for Jimmy to abuse you!
Abuse=Love Haven't we all had enough of that already?

On the other hand if you arrived promptly to sleep class and just for instance Diane was the one locked out, did a sense of pride, arrogance, or importance creep in?

Much more effective than out and out lying, ambiguity allows for wiggle room directly proportional to degree of shit you can shovel. Utter shit, complete shit like: "We cannot do!" -James Parkinson (Cult Leader)

So G. probably said it in so many different ways under many a different light but what does it mean when James Parkinson says it? Who is the "we" in "we cannot" ? Well "we" could refer to the members of the cult including myself, Mele (the software guy), Patti (the oral connoisseur), Curtis the other man behind the curtain but what about James? He says "we" so doesn't that include him?


When James uses the word "we" he really means YOU, ME and definitely not HIM! WE cannot do, James can obviously DO. We've seen James DO literally everything he has wanted to DO. (ex. women, men, cars, video games, vacations, ad infinity)
1. Why does Mele pay for Jimmy's flights?
He can certainly DO that because we've seen it.

2. Why does Patti seek to please?
She has definitely tried.

3. Why would so many husbands find themselves second-guessing their wives?
Sadly they DO.

4. Why does Susan seek to flaunt her blind and unflinching vigilance for Jame's stolen (and pretend) ideas?


1. Mele sees that James is wanted even by his small but devoted group of guruphiles. (intimate and rare)

2. Patti feels she does need to peddle her tongue action because James has convinced her he is the one whose deserving of her talents. Perhaps through fulfilling James desires Patti may become un-repressed? As we all know a good force feeding of cock really does a whole lot for woman's liberation.

3. Men have seen that James is a commander of his own world, he wants things done they get done, he wants attention he has plenty, he says things and people listen, he farts and people beg to breathe the air. Many men have often bared the most sensitive sides of their souls to him and being such a delicate task to take on James has made it seem as though he's not working quid pro quo but for the counsel and betterment of humankind-altruistic?

4. Susan is missing a real figure of substance in her life that James pretends to fully embody. She waits with baited breath only for James' denial of her right to live and this is the masochistic path she's been led down. James isn't the only man she has ever aimed to please and never quite hit the mark.

So we have now a group of individuals that are not individuals at all. They have willingly chosen to become receptacles for the toxic sludge Jimmy has nowhere to store but in the minds and hearts he has won over through the power of illusion and suggestion. If I had a way of reaching members of this defunct group I would plead that they take a breather from their MESSiah.

Read a few books that cover studies done on social engineering, group dynamics, and yes CULTS. Because by definition the hallmark of a cult is that the members are unaware that they belong to one.

Should "WE" talk about keeping accounts? Self Love? Externally/Internally considering?


Are WE too proud to think we might have paid for our own negative indoctrinating bondage?

Do WE love ourselves too much to consider that perhaps we've sacrificed the path we were on for the fairytale path of a madman?

Have WE externally considered James to the extent that WE came to understand he's and outright lying bastard sack of bitchy shit?

Have WE ever internally considered that we handed over part and parcel our self worth, well self directed consciousness in exchange for a script, a glossary of buzzwords that only seek to imprison us in an ever slippery language rich HELL? Yes/No

Do WE know what love is?Yes/NoWould WE sacrifice our children on the altar of god for a man who has never known what it means to be a parent other than to his hand picked collection of emotionally damaged adults?

Can WE consider that maybe our parents and their parent's and their parent's didn't sacrifice and struggle their whole lives in order for us to sit around with THE BIGGEST fruit and nut in California to whine about life instead of living it?

Could we even explain to our grandparent's what your little group is about?
If so, after explaining how what WE do isn't a cult, could WE not judge them and just think they're too simple to understand that we're trying to spiritually evolve and realize like they did that maybe life has a little more to do with chopping wood and carrying water than it does belonging to a cult.

*Answers should be graded based on "WE's" current level of being ; )


  1. Anonymous20.11.11


    It is sad but somehow old paps has managed to turn decent people into pimps, whores, slaves and addicts.

    Now how do you people suppose all this detailed info about your sick escapades around Jimmy arrived on the internet????? Still not a clue?

    BECAUSE OF HIM , ladies and gentlemen!

    He talks about you as if you are the lowest scum to walk the earth ever and treats you as such. And the list goes on and on....
    He can't help himself, he has to brag about it.

    So do you want to let him continue, or even get away with it?
    Let him drive around in his convertible untouched, all bought and paid for by your money?
    His house, his trips, his gadgets?
    Or maybe his porn collection?

    Maybe there's a good question for the live broadcast!

  2. Anonymous21.11.11

    It's true. By doing what he does, he IS claiming that he is furthur developed than the rest of us when in fact he is actually a long long long way down the line. He is completely lost in self-deception about his attributes and thinks just because he has been abused God has a bigger plan for him.
    No James. Lots of people are abused and most of them are just normal nice people. Some of them however, turn out to be abusers themselves.

    You are not special, you do not have God given gifts. You WOULD like us to believe that because it serves your narcissistic needs but the truth is it's all a big lie. He tells some people he sees Jesus, others that he had burning parchment visions, others that he talks to God and yet still others that he sees through the trees like in the Celestine prophecies. Oh please! Not that its not possible. But James is just a sales-man with a trick, the Gurdjieff trick. He hasn't seen or heard God or Jesus. He doesn't see flashing lights around him as he claims, he is not enlightened. In fact i was very close to him when he meditated, and he lay on the bed with his eye-blinds and snored for an hour. He was pretty pissed when I later implied he had been sleeping. But, he's an old man. Old men take naps. But he can't face the truth of it. People who meditate don't lie down and they don't snore! I know, I believed it too, until I looked it up. THere's a reason people meditate in lotus position it has to do with energies. Snoring is NOT part of the meditation deal....
    The flashing lights? It sounds like he's trying to impress as broad a group as possible. Lights and transparent tree for the new agers, hindu style visions for the eastern styled seekers, Jesus for the christians.

    BULLSHIT JAMES! You are a joke to spirituality and those that follow you are blind as hell. You will not achieve enlightenment by having orgies and affairs and being a miser and most of all not by abusing people.

    He kept on telling me that his 'group' take care of him. But the truth is he has guilted them into paying for his expenses and paying him 10% of their income for years. At the same time he says he doesn't ask for money. But he does. He might not say "YOU MUST PAY ME MONEY NOW'', he's cleverer than that, But he implies it and get's what he wants through guilt, making his potential followers believe they are getting their money's worth.

    His teachings consist of telling people their faults, bullying them if they object, they must submit totally to his bullshit otherwise they are violent and negative. Then he hands them a holosync cd and the rest of the day they take him out shopping, to dinner and to the cafes where he proceeds to get drunk and narcissistically parades himself, talking loudly to the locals and getting all the attention from everyone, preying off their naivity. Total strangers, he would end up telling them (unasked )what their faults were. And they all fall for it. THey all think he's so 'charismatic'. Charisma and men that appear wonderful the first time you meet them are the MOST dangerous predators and one of the biggest warning signs you are dealing with a con-artist/psycho/narcissist.

    He doesn't like any of his followers, has contempt for all of them. Even his wife. They are all unworthy. They are all wrong, None of them WORK properly and they all take advantage of him! How incredible that he can twist and turn the facts to make himself the victim.

    It's extremely worrying they way in which they are unquestioning of his methods. They defend his to the end of the world even though he does the most unethical things. He compares himself to the strange behaviourisms Gurdjieff had. How convenient!

    Again, you have been warned. Please contact us for indepth information and accounts.

  3. IF Brian Cleeve saw what this man does with his book he would turn in his grave. What God warns Brian and mankind about, is James personified. And this vile creature of a man has the audacity to be preaching this book. If he knew what truth was actually in those books he would die of shame, shame for picking up a holy book with his dirty, sexual hands and using his pornographic voice to proclaim a spiritual message. He is an insult to all those true seekers, and personally I am very very sorry for letting him know about the existence of this book.

    The house on the Rock and Seven mansions are in direct opposition to what he has been taught and is teaching the past 40 years.
