Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Use and Abuse of Spiritual Teachers

If you think you are being used and/or abused by a spiritual teacher:LEAVE!If you do not suspect you are being used and or abused by a spiritual teacher let's just make sure:1. How much do you PAY to be taught?How open with information on how these funds are utilized is/are the teacher(s)? Does your teacher force you to pay for them to fly around the world? Come to you? Does your "teacher" make you pay for their lodging, food, pornography? Are you paying for the same Internet connection your "teacher" uses to dominate, control, and sexually harass people the world over?2. How does your "teacher" treat you?Many teachers use their supposed spiritual height to tower over you, bellow their prepared humiliation scripts and phrases which are often cited as the catalyst for your enlightenment but are TRULY TRULY TRULY nothing more than verbal and psychic abuse. How much time do you pay your teacher to abuse you?3. Are you aware of the myriad of symptoms that are birthed out of Stockholm syndrome? Wherein hostages express adulation and have positive feelings towards their captors. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors as an act of kindness.A common trademark for cult leaders these days is to play the 'this/not that!' game. For example, if James Parkinson wants you in person to humiliate, rape, sodomize, and rob you blind he might suggest those around you (in most cases your family/lover) is doing to you what HE himself is in fact perpetrating against you."It seems to me you're suffering the effects of Stockholm syndrome, you're partner has made it impossible to detect that you are addicted to their abuse." - James ParkinsonThis man has no one around him who thinks they like him for his love, they all of them ADORE HIM for his abuse . Just as you might respect your parents for when they taught you the stove was hot by slapping your hand back you might adulate Cult Leader James Parkinson for telling you you're damaged, dumb, robotic, vain, unreal, you know all the things that suck? But the strange thing is: you will kiss his ass for it or you better watch out!*smiles*

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