Sunday, January 1, 2012


  • Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that is used by narcissists that is deeply insidious and difficult to pinpoint. It works by instilling confusion.
  • If you are being gaslighted you'll lose trust in your senses, identity and common environment.

The narcissist will tell you:
  • What you are feeling and thinking;

  • An interaction that you believed was decent with another person actually had agendas connected to it;

  • Your body language appears suggestive to other people;
  • A friend or family member has made certain references about you;
  • You were seen in a certain place acting inappropriately;
  • You said or did something (you weren’t aware of) when tired, distracted, unaware, intoxicated or asleep;
  • Certain information was discovered about you;
  • Certain people (you thought were loyal) are now agreeing about your faults;
  • The incident (created by the narcissist) was your fault, or merely a perception based on your paranoia or unstable emotions;
  • An excuse for the incidence based on a ‘story’ that extracts guilt from you, whereby you feel awful for making the ‘judgement’ you did;
  • Other people perceive you as bossy, controlling, manipulative, uncaring, incapable etc. (defective in some way).
  • Narcissists refuse to remain ‘Topical’

    • A narcissist will dodge accountability in a discussion in a variety of ways
    • Telling you repetitively to lower your voice;
    • Interrupting you with unrelated conversation;
    • Telling you to let them finish what they are saying whilst continuing to be psychologically and verbally abusive;
    • Making references to allies and unrelated people;
    • Telling you the matter is resolved without validating the conversation in a way that allows you to feel resolved;
    • Asking if you are happy to get that off your chest and then changing the topic;
    • Throwing in an abusive unrelated comment to anger or upset you;
    • Refusing to discuss the issue with you;
    • Bringing up an issue they are unhappy about, and treating that as the focus of conversation.

      The Narcissistic Partner’s Addiction

    • Sadly, because narcissists inflict such severe psychological abuse upon love partners, a perverse addiction often occurs. The ‘victim’ has idolised the narcissist by seeing them as ‘the ideal partner’ (the illusion created via charm that the narcissist originally used to hook the partner) and continuously tries to win the approval, love and trust of the narcissist.
    • To the outside world it may seem that the love partner is deranged and is the problem (the narcissist has expertly created this illusion). The narcissist will often appear strong and stable to extended family, acquaintances, counsellors and even authorities. Tragically in many cases the love partner will believe that they are in fact damaged, incapable, no good and defective. They often think they are at fault. Such feelings are the result of a severely diminished sense of identity and a battered self-esteem. Many narcissistic love partners suffer profound depression and even severe physical deterioration. Frighteningly, many victims of narcissism don’t recover their sense of self, even years after the relationship has expired.
    • Narcissism addiction and devastation is a common occurrence and can happen to any individual from any demographic. Generally this condition occurs to women, and this is regardless of their level of intelligence and self-sufficiency. The disease of narcissistic addiction is an emotionally based issue, it has little to do with practical and mental capabilities or physical attributes.

    • Common Behaviours of a Narcissist

    • ‘Me versus You’ mentality; Competitiveness; ‘Tit for tat’ retaliations; Striving for the ‘spotlight’ and attention; Excessive generosity/kindness to outside people; Uncomfortable when others are incurring attention or praise; If can’t be centre of attention will either discredit or leave the experience; May fake illnesses or problems to procure attention / sympathy; Abusive verbal behaviour when angered or insecure; Tendency toward violent/socially unacceptable and even criminal behaviour; Inappropriate and inapplicable language in front of women and children; Dark moods that affect others; False promises; Glorifies and falsifies achievements past and present; Expects to be recognised and praised; Finds others not complying with wants intolerable; Extreme sensitivity to criticism; Extreme defensiveness when confronted; Pathological lying; Disdain for rules, regulations, decency and morality; Childish outbursts and behaviour; Very little consideration for how behaviour affects others; Extreme lack of compassion or sensitivity towards love partners (and others') problems; Grossly unsupportive to familiars in times of need; Brushes incidences under the carpet; Uses allies real or imagined to back up claims and arguments; Uses guilt and manipulation to influence love partners; Doesn’t trust love partners; Tendency towards unreasonable jealousy and possessiveness; Capable of sexually degrading name calling; Uses vengeance, threats and intimidation to control ; Uses excessive charm and manipulation to control; Little (if any) sense of conscience; Discredits love partners to gain attention / sympathy from others; Will ‘attack’ when confronted or questioned; Emotionally punishes love partners when feeling insecure; Emotionally punishes love partners when they are struggling with issues, losses, grief or challenges; Employs unpredictable and unaccountable behaviour; Capable of ‘disgusting’ behaviour to gain the upper hand and control a situation; Feels powerful and fulfilled when creating powerlessness in another; Gross failure to apologise or have sympathy after creating tears, distress or trauma to the love partner.

    • Common Expressions of a Narcissist
    • “I had them eating out of my hands.”
    • (Believes in manipulating others to create results).
    • “You didn’t let me finish what I was saying.”
      (After verbally maiming and then pretending there was more to say)
    • “Just because I didn’t do what you wanted when you wanted it.”
      (A justification for receptively breaking promises)
    • “Just because I didn’t say what you wanted to hear.”
      (A justification for verbal abuse)
    • “You’re the only person who misunderstands what I say. You’re totally over-emotional.”
      (Same as above)
    • “I’m sorry, what more do you want from me.”
      (Followed by justifications for the behaviour with body language that is clearly not aligned with an apology)
    • “How many times do I have to say I’m sorry.”
      (Followed by repetitive unacceptable behaviour)
    • “Why can’t you just get over the past?”
      (Followed by repetitive unacceptable behaviour)
    • “What about your issues?”
      (When failing to take responsibility for unacceptable behaviour)
    • “You make me behave like this.”
      (Same applies for above)
    • “You’re the only person in the world I have these problems with.”
      (Same applies for above)
    • “You act like my mother,” or, “You’re a control freak.”
      (When asked for the truth or trustworthy / accountable behaviour)


    1. Anonymous30.10.11

      James uses these exact tactics and has transformed them so that they appear to the unsuspecting, truth-seeker as a plausible hardline spiritual teaching. In fact he is living out his abuse and narcissistic tendencies on those that trust him. He is a fraud, a severely sexually depraved human being. He gets his kicks from being insulting and being the center of attention. He has to be right always. He does not tolerate criticism or judgement. He boomerangs the criticism he gets and transforms it into a spiritual deficiency of the one criticizing or objecting. He is incredibly artful in the deviousness and his followers don't have a clue. On the contrary they gladly accept his abuse because they have been conditioned to do so. James has told us all very early on that to develop you MUST accept what he says.
      They have a contract by which they are bound together.

    2. Anonymous30.10.11

      On gas lighting! Yes, james dims your light and says he isnt, when you ask him why its getting harder to see outside (in the world) he tells you it's YOUR vision thats the problem! But he's the one with his hand on the gas valve, lowering and lowering it.

    3. Anonymous2.11.11

      Speaking of gaslighting. I had never heard of it before. When I started reading about it I knew I had been gaslighted by Mr Parkinson!

      I was in situations with James, that he tried to change the facts about something that happened. He would re-write history whenever possible as long as it suited him.
      Some things I knew for sure happened a certain way, he would change details, putting himself in a good light and others in a bad light. If I confronted him he used others to back up his story. I thought I was going crazy.
      Then I saw him do it again. He told other people yet another story for which I had been present when it first occurred. He convincingly changed the facts and they all 'oohed' and 'aahd' him for his role in the story. When I objected, stating that this was NOT the way it went, he accused me of abusing him!
      It drove me crazy, absolutely bonkers. There was absolutely no way I could feel sane with this guy.
      At first I thought he did because he is older and might be going senile, but it happened too many times, and too conveniently for him. He change facts, history. He exaggerates stories and feats from his past. He enhances his image CONSTANTLY. And he's pretty believable too.

      This man is not senile, or pitiful, or fragile. He's smart and calculated and knows what he is doing. The mistake I made was believing there was something good down there and that he only lied because of some innate insecurity. I felt sorry for him.

      He will out-wit, out-debate, out-smart anyone, except maybe the best shrinks.

      There is only one thing you can do: Run away as fast as possible...

    4. Anonymous20.2.12

      What he does is throw up smoke screens every time you get close to the truth about him, then he will divert the attention off of him and onto you saying you are abusing him, pointing out your worst features that you need to 'Work' on. When you are in there with him, it's all so very confusing and the guilt trip and simultaneous power trip he gives you is what keeps you coming back.
      First he'll flatter you to the high heavens, then when he has you in his pocket he'll start to shit on you, and then when you feel bad and guilty and down in the dumps he'll pick you up and make you his 'beloved' again. He does it to EVERYONE!

    5. WaitWhat23.2.12

      Maybe he has Borderline Personality Disorder. Check out this link. He sure has a lot of these characteristics:

    6. Anonymous25.2.12

      Thank you waitwhat! That is a very interesting link and indeed, the very same characteristics I have witnessed in James Parkinson.
      He does almost all of the things mentioned, but you only realize this when you are free of him, when you are in their you think it must be your fault. This is why his people are still in there with him.

      I hope his next victim sees this on time.

    7. Anonymous1.3.12

      James is saying you all need help, but he's the sick one, he needs serious psychological help..

    8. Anonymous28.3.12

      Nice site! Good info. Something to add. You all think Connie might be a victim, she's not. She's in on the whole thing and screws around on her husband as much as he screws around on her. How do I know? I've seen her on more than one occasion.
      So... James and Connie, both fake, both con-artists, and Connie, bad bad bad artist...

    9. WaitWhat1.4.12

      Are you saying you've slept with her multiple times?

    10. Anonymous2.4.12


    11. Anonymous30.8.12

      James is a sexual offender. If any of his followers get a chance you should check out his sexmovie collection he has hidden on his External hard drive. He accidentally loaded it onto my computer once and was really really pissed when he was found out! Like a small boy that had been caught wanking...
      Anyway, Curtis, what's the harm in looking? It shouldn't be too hard to break into his computer. Or are spiritual gurus allowed sexual fetishes these days?
      You know, the only reason he enoucrages your promiscuity is because he feels better about being the sexual deviant he is.
      The stuff you should look out for on the HD is golden shower sex, dominance, bondage, sexual arousion by eating faeces. He told me it was natural and normal and that if you found it disgusting if was because you had associations with shit that were the result of bad social development.

      I can't believe we all fell for this man.

      Oh and the celestine prophecy like visions he has of trees is just total bullshit. He hasn't seen shit in his whole life, the crying he does when people are 'nasty'to him is fake, he 's an actor. His visons of christ are a lie. You think Jesus would appear to a man who ate shit for fun?

      You guys following him out there pretending that you shouldn't be judging him for his personal life are just so up the wrong road. You have no idea what true spirituality is, what it means to sacrifice, your view of the world doesnt lessenthe self but elevates it unto self-righteousness.

      Eat shit James Parkinson and choke to death.

    12. Anonymous31.8.12

      Nice to see some new comments here..
      James is still active on but you can't check his filth out there because he has a friends lock in. At least that means no new victims will be contaminated with his twisted versions of Gurdjieff and other pseudo spiritual bullshit he has going on.
