Sunday, July 24, 2011

Compared to a psychopath....

  1. Glibness/superficial charm. [James' chief feature is his overwhelmingly likeable character, he uses it to bait and reel]
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth. [Implies he has 'higher' consciousness than others, has had visions of Jesus and God has actually spoken to him]
  3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom [seeks thrills in the form of affairs, fast cars, travelling, games and gadgets]
  4. Pathological lying [will absolutely lie and deny to save his own ass and projects if confronted, discredits those viciously who have left or criticised him ]
  5. Conning/manipulative [uses your personal information against you, uses a divide and conquer strategy and many other highly manipulative tactics]
  6. Lack of remorse or guilt [can do things, like have affairs, with complete conviction that he is 'doing the work of God'!]
  7. Shallow affect [Fake emotions, sounds deeply profound, but it's a charade, fake, mimicry]
  8. Callous/lack of empathy [can hurt/abuse people and shadow projects if you confront him]
  9. Parasitic lifestyle [his house, car and all his travelling expenses are paid for by his 'people', they pay him 10% and have done for 20 years. He's sitting on a small fortune]
  10. Poor behavioral controls [temper tantrums, hangs up, childish games, swears abusively]
  11. Promiscuous sexual behavior [will hit on anything in a skirt and has had a multitude of women before and during his marriage]
  12. Early behavior problems [trouble maker, child-abuse victim, sexual juvenile deliquency]
  13. Lack of realistic, long-term plans [lives in the NOW, which is something typical of psychopaths, ironically also a spiritual concept which he has integrated into his system ]
  14. Impulsivity [does what he pleases]
  15. Irresponsibility [see 14, takes no responsibility for anything and says what he does is "God's will"]
  16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions [won't be accountable for his actions and uses spiritual rhetoric to defend himself]
  17. Many short-term marital relationships [had been married 3 or 4 times, has had frequent (countless!) partners before and during his marriage]
  18. Juvenile delinquency [stealing, lying, conning, sexual deviancy]
[Robert Hare's checklist on psychopathy]
(Narcissism also a characteristic of psychopathy)It must be remembered that even the most severely and obviously disabled psychopath presents a technical appearance of sanity, in James' case he has mastered an aspect of religion and spirituality (mimicry and imitation) and uses it to charm his victims often very convincingly, often with high intellectual capacities and not infrequently succeeds in business activities.

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