Saturday, July 16, 2011


This is the big daddy. This is their sacred cow. This is the beating heart of their evil empire. The crown jewel. The Death Star. The one ring to bill them all. The pot of gold. Their matrix (into which they want to plug you). Their Wizard of Oz. Their magic spell. Their special power. Their secret recipe with the eleven herbs and spices. Their Golden Goose. The very air upon which they breathe! Question this doctrine and watch these money hungry pastors bare their fangs. This is a teaching that they will bear no compromise on.

Tithing, or at least their own version of tithing, is their one true love.
Here are some bullet points about tithing that these money hungry pastors don’t want you to know:
  • The New Testament Church did not tithe.
  • The New Testament does not teach tithing for Christians.
  • Their favorite Malachi verses cannot be used for Christians since Christians are not under the law of Moses.
  • Abraham’s one off tithe of his war booty did not set up a precedent for Christians to regularly tithe their income.
  • The version of tithing they teach cannot be found in Scripture (see below).
  • The “Storehouse” in Malachi cannot be equated to your local church organization.
  • There are plenty of rich (money wise) Christians who do not tithe. This would be impossible if their version of tithing was true.
  • The New Testament teaching is that you decide how much to give, and there are no rules about where it goes. You cannot be compelled to give.
It may come as a surprise to learn that their tithing doctrine is a combination of twisted scriptures and wishful thinking, as opposed to solid Biblical exegesis reflecting a central thrust of New Testament teaching.
Here is their tithing doctrine stated in a nutshell:
“Christians must give ten percent of their gross income only to their church organization. If they do, then God will bless them for any offerings they make to the church organization beyond this ten percent. But if they do not give ten percent gross, then they are stealing from God and God will curse them.”

There are variations of this teaching, and sometimes it is called a “principle”, but the above definition contains the core essence of this doctrine.

Tithing was part of the old law (of Moses) which was fulfilled (completed) by Jesus.

What is more, this tithing doctrine they teach isn’t found in either the New or Old Testament. Tithing in the old testament does not match what these pastors preach – this unique tithe teaching is of their own invention.
James Parkinson practices this exact same anti-doctrine. The difference is that he doesn't ask for it up front (though he has been known to pass a hat around) he guilts people by telling them "nothing is for free", "you will pay eventually for what I give freely(?)", "people don't understand the principle of giving, they think they can take what I have for free". The fact is, real spiritual teachers believe in the saviour of humanity and their life is dedicated to real spiritual freedom and they take nothing from their disciples because the true reward lies in the furthering along of mankind to oneness.

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